Wisdom Strength Beauty

Lodge Officers

The Elected Officers for 2022 are:

Current Lodge Officers

  • Worshipful Master: Edward J. Glantz (center)
  • Senior Warden: Shaun L. Tennis (left)
  • Junior Warden: Thomas F. Mulherin (right)
  • Treasurer: James A. O’Connor PM, PDDGM
  • Secretary: Sean F. Howard

For a slideshow of our past Lodge Officer's, click the "past officers" link on the left.

2022 Masters Message


As I look out the window, I know not what the year brings, but I do see a lovely day full of sunshine. Remember to reflect on the beauty of each day, and the good memories and experiences found in our friends, family, and brothers. Life is hard, but take care to promote living, loving, and laughter.

I am delighted to serve as your 2022 Worshipful Master, along with a wonderful team of dedicated officers. Exciting planned Stated Meetings include Past Master’s night, ‘Rusty Masons’, Table Lodge, wildfire fighting, and others. Please support our efforts to grow and improve Lodge membership, building maintenance, and standing in the community. Many thanks to brothers giving selflessly. Generous donors support building improvements such as our lift, lawncare and general Lodge appearance, web hosting, blood drives, mentoring new members, and committee work.

Thanks also to Bro. Martin A. Mondock, P.M.’s exemplary commitment improving our Lodge facility and ritualistic practices. He battled through COVID constraints to host online meetings that connected with distant members, made significant Temple improvements, resolved an outstanding tax refund, and initiated two new members that are serving as 2022 appointed officers. In addition, thanks to the Past Masters that give selflessly of their time to guide and improve our Lodge.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Edward J. Glantz, WM