Almoner's Fund
The purpose of the Almoner's Fund is to ensure that each lodge is able to help, aid, and assist Brethren within our Lodge that are suffering from dire financial hardship. It is anonymous; as per the Grand Master’s initiative, members of Lodge 700 seeking assistance should contact the Lodge Almoner, Brother Gerald F. Selders PM, or the Worshipful Master. The District Deputy Grand Master, the Worshipful Master, and the Lodge Almoner will be the only Brethren aware of any assistance provided. We thank Brother Selders PM for assuming this appointment.
However, it is important that all members be conscious that the Almoner's Fund is only as robust as our membership contributions. Our Lodge will not require any member to donate to this fund, although we hope that Brethren who on solid financial ground are able to come together in unanimity to contribute to this fund. We have a jar outside of the Lodge meeting room to collect contributions. You can also send a check to the Lodge made out to State College Lodge No. 700.